Learn how to charge $5k minimums and consistently land new clients, guaranteed

You might be a fantastic camera operator and editor, but Jackson teaches so much about the business side which is absolutely necessary to thrive in the industry.

I am now using the knowledge I’m gaining to create a healthy business as opposed to being stuck in “a business”. I have more time to focus on becoming a better director and business owner! 

- Scott Dixon

- Yoshith Weerakoone

You’ve got the technical skills. But you can’t find consistency in your business. 

No consistent clients.

No consistent support system.

And definitely not consistent income.

And you have this sneaking suspicion that if your business is going to last, something’s gotta give. 

I know where you’re coming from, because I’ve been there, too.


 Frustrated by difficult clients?

 Anxious about your next paycheck?

 Exhausted from the hustle?

 And feeling like you might not be cut out for this after all?




Sound familiar?

There’s something that separates videographers bringing in tens of thousands of dollars from those just scraping by.

But it’s not passion, creativity, or technical skill.

It’s a key set of business skills that can absolutely change everything.

AND THE TRUTH IS, everyone faces the same challenges when starting and scaling their video business


Scott was just like you - he figured out what really works (and what doesn’t) so you don't have to.

Meet Scott Dixon

"Scott went from charging a few hundred pounds per video to multiple thousands within weeks of joining. In his most recent proposal, following the steps in the program, he was able to charge 7 times more than his 'best case scenario' budget."

I've helped hundreds of students over the last 5 years put effective sales systems in place, driving millions of dollars in revenue.

And I'm about to share these successful methods with you.

Don't keep repeating the old, broken way for TRYING to grow your business

We've created a new, easier and far more profitable way. Introducing....

Video Business Mastery

The smartest and fastest way to scale a video business that works for YOU

Gain LIFETIME access to the easy-to-follow, step by step VBM Program

Work through guided material on business skills AND business mindset

Get support from like-minded peers all around the world

Have your questions answered by a dedicated mentor who has been there before

Be challenged. And get accountability to take your business to the next level

In Video Business Mastery you'll learn exactly...

How to land high-quality clients at rates of AT LEAST $5000

To find your perfect niche and become recognised as an EXPERT

How to access an unlimited number of leads on demand

The Value Based Pricing system that's transforming creative businesses

Copy + paste systems so you can streamline and scale without the trial and error

It’s super simple to get started…


Level Up Your Business

The course will pay for itself

in a matter of weeks.


Watch and Learn

Value-packed lessons that are easy to follow


Implement Instantly

Easy to implement with 24/7 support on-hand

So, where will you go next? Because your breakthrough might just be closer than you think.

What Do You Get In Video Business Mastery?


Through these 15+ hours of video lessons, you’ll gain a step-by-step blueprint for building and growing your successful video production company. I cover:

  • Self Mastery - How to step into the role of a successful 6-figure business owner.
  • Niche Mastery - Everything you need to become established as the expert in your field.
  • Business Mastery - Setup your business with the best systems and learn how to manage your finances.
  • Lead Mastery - Put lead generation on auto-pilot so you minimise time spent and maximise enquiries.
  • Sales Mastery - Learn the Value Based Pricing method that has enabled me and my students to consistently charge 5 and 6 figures per project.

You’ll learn how to manage your time, position your brand, identify your ideal clients, turn them into high-paying customers, and more.

 This course is a comprehensive, proven guide to optimizing your business.


Connect with fellow filmmakers and videographers as you create strong businesses together. Learn from each others’ expertise and experiences, receive professional and peer mentoring, and develop a strong referral network.


Get access to a growing library of tried-and-true templates, including sales messaging, invoices, proposals, cash flow, release forms and other documents to save you from trial and error. It’s as simple as plug-and-play for your video business.


Get exclusive discounts on Artlist, Artgrid, Soundstripe, and other essentials for filmmakers and video production companies. We've even partnered up with Adobe to save you 60% on their full Creative Cloud package, saving you more than $360 per year.


Put your new sales knowledge and skills to the test in a safe environment on bi-monthly Live Calls with Jackson and the team. Overcome concerns, practice skills, and troubleshoot issues before they even arise. Plus, access a repository of recorded calls — featuring tailored mentoring and role playing scenarios.


Instant access to ALL the content (including new resources, downloads, calls, and trainings, which are CONSTANTLY being added) FOR LIFE!

Hundreds of Students. Real Results.

Dan Leverington

Within weeks of joining, Dan went from struggling to make a profit to landing one $20,000 deal and six $30,000 deals. He's now on track to 650k revenue, has full confidence in what he's offering, what he's charging, and the results he can bring to his clients.

Taylor Boone

Taylor went from charging $5000/video to now $50,000+. She realised that by undercharging she was doing a disservice to her clients. By using the VBM Value Based Pricing system she's now able to communicate her value and return on investment to her clients.

Jordan Fowler

Jordan was working on his business part-time. After joining VBM he was able to fulfil his dream of quitting his day job and going all-in on his video business, working with his ideal clients in the automotive industry.

Jason Weitz

Jason had been stuck with his business around the same level for past few years, but that changed after joining VBM. Within weeks of joining VBM he was able to land a $35,000 deal.

Jesse Sieff

Jesse says "VBM has been a game changer for me... instead of valuing your time like an employee, you start thinking like a business owner and strategist".

Eduardo Perez Vidal

Eduardo knew he had the creative and technical skills, but wasn't getting jobs that reflected this. He now feels empowered and confident in his ability to land clients, price his services and value himself.

Derek Sawaya

Derek says he learned more from VBM than his entire college marketing degree. He's learnt how to price himself, how to communicate his value, and how to operate as a business leader and strategist.

Nathalie Baker

Nathalie wanted to start getting quality projects through the door and upping her profit margins. “These would have taken me months or years to achieve. Joining this course has meant I’ve taken some giant leaps forward a lot quicker than I would have done.”

Tim Kusel

“It’s really hard to put a price on the amount of value given in Video Business Mastery. Literally, every single video in the course was helpful and valuable, and it was exactly what we needed. It’s a roadmap for you to follow, so you don’t have to go through years of trial and error. That’s something you can’t put a price on.”

Jay Witosky

Jay is an established video business owner and within a few weeks of joining was able to turn a $10,000 project into a $46,000 project. Last year, using the strategies taught in VBM, he added an additional $489,000 in revenue to his business.

Kelby Joseph

Kelby went from undercharging and overworking to feeling confident talking about his value and increasing his prices. Even as an MBA graduate he learnt new skills and strategies that he was able to implement in his business.

Kris San

“I’ve spent over $20,000 in courses, conferences, mentors, etc. over the course of my filmmaking career. I was absolutely blown away by this course. Not only is it super engaging, but it asks the right questions that you need to know about your business, and it puts you in the right mindset to succeed. You will not regret getting this course.”

Andre Kealii

Andre's new found ability to price his services and work ON his business instead of IN his business has enabled him to hire his first employees - achieving his top level goal on joining VBM: to free up significantly more of his personal time.

Steve Bollschweiler

“It’s very hard to get yourself out of the creative headspace and into the business headspace. The step-by-step process that Jackson sets out during the course is incredibly simple, easy to follow. If you follow them, you’ll make a huge difference to your business very, very quickly"

Meet your mentor

For the past 11 years I've been travelling all over the world creating videos for brands and broadcasters like National Geographic, Discovery, Porsche, AirBNB, and Sony. I've grown my production company from nothing to consistently working on projects that are rewarding both financially and creatively.

But I have felt the same frustrations you experience right now: Clients who don’t understand the value of our work, insufficient leads, and low-priced competition.

The reason you are not as successful as you would like to be has nothing to do with a lack of creativity or skill—it’s because no one teaches the business skills needed to build a thriving video production company.

As filmmakers we need to strike a balance between the business and the creative so we can continue doing what we love without compromise. That’s why I created this program—to create a support network of mentors and experts with built-in accountability, so you can’t fail.

This is a culmination of not just 11 years working in the industry and my passion for combining the business and creative, but also 5+ years of mentoring, working directly with business owners just like you to create massive results.

I am extremely proud of the programs I’ve made to-date, but none more so than this one.

Video Business Mastery truly delivers a life-and-business-changing amount of value for video business owners who want to access more freedom and fulfillment. And create more impact in their business.

My work has been featured in...

“The mentality shift is when you think of Video Business Mastery as an investment and not a cost. If you implement everything that you’re taught in the course, it very, very, very quickly pays for itself.”

-Stephen Bollschweiler, Video Business Mastery student

Here's what students are saying about VBM:

Scott Dixon

Jay Witosky

Kelby Joseph

Scott went from charging a few hundred pounds per video to multiple thousands within weeks of joining. In his most recent proposal, following the steps in the course, he was able to charge 7 times more than his 'best case scenario' budget.

Jay is an established video business owner and within a few weeks of joining was able to turn a $10,000 project into a $46,000 project. Last year, using the strategies taught in VBM, he added an additional $489,000 in revenue to his business.

Kelby went from undercharging and overworking to feeling confident talking about his value and increasing his prices. Even as an MBA graduate he learnt new skills and strategies that he was able to implement in his business.

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